MSE Retaining Wall Construction Guide
Note: This is an abbreviated guide (pdf version) to constructing a Reinforced Earth® MSE retaining wall with precast concrete facing panels. Refer to our construction manuals for complete procedure, handling of materials and recommended safety precautions.
Preparing the bottom course of panels:
- Form and pour leveling pad.
- Set bottom panels.
- Batter the panels as required.
- Drive wedges to hold batter.
- Brace the bottom panels.
- Apply adhesive and filter fabric.

Bottom row of soil reinforcements:
- Spread and compact select backfill (in lifts) to 2″ above the first level of tie strips on the back face of panels.
- Connect the soil reinforcements to the tie strips on the back face of the panels.
Subsequent rows of soil reinforcements (repeat until top course of panels is installed and backfilled).
- Spread and compact select backfill (in lifts) to 2″ above the next level of tie strips on the back face of panels.
- Connect the soil reinforcements to the tie strips on the back face of the panels.
- When needed, install the next course of panels:
- Batter the panels as required.
- Drive wedges to hold the batter.
- Shoulder clamp new panels to the adjacent secured panels.
- Apply adhesive and filter fabric to the new panels.
- Install fall protection as required.
Prepare the top wall grading and install the wall top out as required: