Shored Reinforced Earth® MSE Retaining Walls
Shored Reinforced Earth is a Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining wall that is built in front of an existing retaining wall, rock face, stabilized slope, or other structure, and uses the existing structure to reduce the lateral earth pressure on the new wall. This method of design can be used when there is not enough distance available behind the proposed wall face to build an MSE wall with a conventional or trapezoidal base width.

Although the general concept remains the same, every individual shored MSE wall requires a unique design. The geometry of the existing and proposed structures is rarely the same from project to project, and can vary greatly along a single wall. The existing structure must also be evaluated to determine the remaining service life and how much lateral earth pressure it can alleviate during the life of the proposed structure. The result is typically a bin-wall design using a system of primary and secondary soil reinforcements. Shored MSE wall design has been thoroughly studied and successfully implemented by RECo’s engineers.
Shored MSE walls are often used to widen roadways and bridge abutments, in which existing structures still retain much of their original service life, but must be improved to carry new loads or an increased traffic volume. It has proven to be an excellent solution for upgrading transportation infrastructure. Design procedures are in accordance with FHWA Publication No. FHWA-CFL/TD-06-001 (SMSE).
Benefits of Shored Reinforced Earth:
- Utilized for applications with base width restrictions that preclude the use of conventional MSE.
- Design considers lateral earth pressure reduction of existing, or modified slope or retaining wall.
- Ideal for steep, mountainous and rugged terrain applications.
- Can be integrated with adjacent conventional MSE walls and other structures.