RE/Tension is a precast counterfort retaining wall system consisting of facing panels secured to a cast-in-place or precast footing. The facing panels are each cast with an integral hollow box on the rear side. The boxes align behind each column of wall panels, and are strengthened with rebar and cast-in-place concrete to form counterforts.

A concrete footing is installed, with rebar dowels protruding vertically at the counterfort locations. Facing panels are then set, with the footing dowels placed through the hollow counterfort boxes. At vertical intervals, the counterforts are filled with concrete, and rebar is added vertically for the next course of panels.
- Will match the appearance of an MSE wall.
- A solution for segments of MSE wall without proper base width.
- Panels are not full-height, so smaller lifting equipment can be used.
- Can be simplified to a gravity wall at short heights.